Saturday, September 29, 2012

Man dies in police raid on wrong house.

       A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house. Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a
drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night.

       The Police are nothing more than an occupational force for the most part. If the crime in an area is not big enough to justify a large force, they will manufacture criminals by passing more laws. Vilifying the innocent. Meanwhile look at what atrocities the 'good guys' commit. More laws = more police, thus justifying a larger police force. The establishment can't have them playing cards at Dunkin Donuts all day long. They need the police to quell rebellions when things like occupy wall street happen. What really needs to happen is for these officers to be sued personally, and everyone who had a hand in this home invasion. Garnish their wages and retirement. Do not fine the public. It was without cause, an illegal search an seizure, against the constitution. They claim it was a 'mistake'. That it was, but it should bring about criminal charges against the department that made this mistake, no man is above the law..and the law should set the example too and be irreproachable not this contemptible nonsense. Give them a fair trial, then hang them. This is outrageous incompetence on all levels.

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