Monday, October 1, 2012

What is America becoming?

"Banana Republic" replacing the great experiment.

     The great American tradition of individualism, entrepreneurship and revolution is being systematically undermined by a cadre of financial strongmen bent on turning us into just another “banana republic” – where a subdued and apathetic population is subjugated by a ruling class of wealthy oligarchs.
    The gross irony is that the same capitalist system that molded America into the strongest, most productive and richest nation in history, has been transformed into a mostly private moneymaking enterprise whose beneficiaries are those who actually produce nothing but paper profits.
The story of America’s transformation from great experiment to another banana republic is one in which economic crises were manipulated to create a political front for an elite banking class.
Read more:

Is America Becoming Fascist? The ten steps to the road to Fascism.
    The similarities between American fascism and particularly the National Socialist precedent, both historical and theoretical, are remarkable. Fascism is home, it is here to stay, and it better be countered with all the intellectual resources at our disposal. 
 1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
 2. Create a gulag.
 3. Develop a thug caste.
 4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
 5. Harass citizens' groups.
 6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
 7. Target key individuals.
 8. Control the press.
 9. Dissent equals treason.
 10. Suspend the rule of law.

 "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini

Could this be happening in America?  If so, how?
      Our "elected representatives" have passed laws implementing these anti-freedom concepts. The communists have achieved a de facto FEDERAL SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT in America.
In 1848 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote a book outlining a political ideology, titled "The Communist Manifesto". Marxism's basic theme is that the proletariat (the "exploited" working class of a capitalistic society) will suffer from alienation and will rise up against the "bourgeoisie" (the middle class) and overthrow the system of "capitalism." After a brief period of rule by "the dictatorship of the proletariat" the classless society of communism would emerge. In his Manifesto Marx described the following ten steps as necessary steps to be taken to destroy a free enterprise society!! Notice how many of these conditions, foreign to the principles that America was founded upon, have now, in 1997, been realized by the concerted efforts of socialist activists? Remember, government interference in your daily life and business is intrusion and deprivation of our liberties!

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