Britney Spears is probably the most obvious victim of mind control in the music industry. If the strange facts regarding her personal life are not enough to convince an educated observer, the symbolism surrounding her act tells it all. Almost as if her handlers were mocking her sad mental state while bragging about it to the public, Britney is made to perform in videos such as Hold it Against Me (read the article about it here) and Scream and Shout – which symbolically refer to her own mental slavery.
Like all things related to the occult elite, the message is conveyed in veiled symbolic ways that require some prior knowledge to be understood. Viewed in this way, Scream and Shout is yet another example of a pop video laced with mind control symbolism hidden under the guise of “style” and aesthetics.
While appears to be playing the role of the handler (he “selects” a Monarch programming alter persona at the beginning of the video), Britney plays the role of the slave, even singing with a weird British accent – as if an alter persona had been triggered. Monarch slaves can indeed be programmed to embody a totally different identity, complete with a back story and an accent.
The disturbing fact about Britney singing with a British accent is that, during the time she made tabloid news for “mental problems”, she was caught speaking with a British accent in real life. Here’s an article from 2008 that describes Britney’s strange behavior. It even states that her odd behavior is symptomatic of “dissociative identity disorder” – a medical term that pretty much describes what Monarch programming is all about. (Also, notice the animal-print dress in the next picture – a pattern used to identify Sex-Kitten Monarch slaves).
Britney Spears Lapses Into a British Accent
Britney Spears has a new accessory to go with her pink wig: a British accent.
In the last several weeks, Spears, 26, has been videotaped numerous times trading her Louisiana twang for U.K. inflections.
“She had the English accent thing going the whole time” while shopping at Kitson last Thursday, according to a source. “It didn’t stop.”
Even when angry, the accent appears. On an L.A. shopping trip to Macy’s on Jan. 13, she screamed at the paparazzi, “Get out of my G—— face!” – in a British accent.
So is it all in fun or has she flipped her pink wig?
“When someone has dissociative identity disorder” – formerly known as multiple personality disorder – “each identity is split off from the other,” says L.A. psychologist Renee A. Cohen, who is not treating Spears. “Each identity would have its own name, memories, behavioral traits and emotional characteristics.”
Cohen says the critical question is: “When Britney uses the British accent, or appears to take on another identity, does she know she’s Britney Spears?”
“Otherwise, she could simply be behaving this way for attention, for sympathy, or any other reason,” adds Cohen. “It’s foolish to attempt to diagnose her without a formal evaluation.”
One possible influence could be Spears’s maternal grandmother, Lilian Bridges, who was originally from England.Also, Spears’s new beau, photographer Adnan Ghalib, grew up in Birmingham, England.
According to paparazzi who trail the singer around the clock, one thing is for sure: the pink wig means something’s changing.So Britney, who has been diagnosed with severe psychological issues, sings with a British accent, a symptom of dissociative identity disorder, one of her reported conditions. Isn’t this a little twisted? Using a symptom of mental illness in a pop song? Especially considering the fact that she most probably was told to do this? But the actual truth behind all of this is even more twisted: Britney does not simply have “psychological issues” … she is a victim of mind control. She most likely has several personas programmed into her – one which may have a British accent. In Scream and Shout this alter appears to be switched on. This might sound a little outlandish, but the symbolism in the video makes everything clear.
“When she puts on the pink wig, you just know something crazy is about to happen,” said one paparazzo.
- Source:
(For more information on Monarch Mind Control, please read the article entitled Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control first).
Scream and Shout … That It’s About Mind Control
According to the video director Ben More, the theme of the video is
multiplicity. More says the idea behind it “was essentially trying to
reduce what the song is about to symbols”. Britney multiplying herself
and extensive MK-related imagery indeed give the video a dark symbolic
meaning.The video does not have an intricate storyline, instead it is comprised of a series shots with aesthetic appeal. And, of course, MK symbolism. Rather than babble for days about this video, I’ll just highlight some of its symbolic shots – all of which follow themes promoted by the elite such as mind control and dehumanization.
Multiplying Personas
Is Will.I.Am selecting Britney’s alter persona?
several occasions, Britney is shown “multiplying herself”. Is it a way
of symbolically representing her multiple personas? gets the
same treatment – handlers are often MK victims themselves.
this apparently random scene, an unknown hooded person smashes into a
wall and breaks in multiple pieces. Does this represent a MK slave
fragmenting into multiple personalities?
The theme of transhumanism, robotization and dehumanization is always prevalent in MK-themed videos, and this one is no exception. On top of the heavily auto-tuned and robotic singing in the video, viewers are treated to visuals that mirror the constant trend of dehumanization in mass media. Hidden under the guise of being futuristic, these images tells viewers what the elite thinks the future SHOULD look like.
artificial limb company probably paid a good chunk of change to have
its product featured in the video. It is also featured in the video
because it perfectly syncs with the robotic-dehumanized theme of the
image from the video is reminiscent of this popular image representing
transhumanism – which pushes the merging of humans with robots.
Here we see a 3D model of being conceived … a synthetic created by a machine.
Portrayed as mounted trophies? The same way hunters proudly display the animals they shot? Not very engrossing.
Of course, in this MK-Ultra themed video, there’s some one-eye imagery going on.
of this guy’s eyes is apparently a camera lens – a creepy, futuristic
way of placing the inevitable one-eye sign into the video.
Guy on the left: one-eye for no particular reason.
Finding Another Victim? fires a net that catches a golden statue of naked woman. Did the handler find a new victim to program?
In Conclusion
When one understands the true living conditions of Britney Spears as a Monarch slave under the control of MK handlers – the underlying meaning of her video Scream and Shout is somewhat unsettling. There is something seriously twisted in having her sing and perform about her own enslavement, going as far as having her adopt a British accent, like when she was completely “broken down” in 2008. There is something even more twisted in having young people from all over the world watching this imagery, not knowing that it symbolically refers to Monarch Programming, a practice that as sadistic as it is horrifying.Regular readers of Vigilant Citizen might notice that there is redundancy in the messages and imagery found in recent pop videos. While this also causes some of my music business articles to be somewhat redundant, my goal is to highlight the pattern that emerges, to prove that there is a conscious and sustained effort to push a specific agenda to the masses. Each repetition is further proof that there is no coincidence or “reaching” here, just the execution of a clear and defined agenda focused on the propagation and normalization of a specific set of messages and symbols.
Given the way Britney is mocked in her own video, it is easy to understand that not only do those in control not have positive intentions … but that they relish the fact that they own this virtual slave. Considering that state of mind, wouldn’t you think that they’d love to see the whole world, to certain extent, under this type of mind control?
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