Mike Adams
Natural News
Jan 20, 2013
There is a very good reason why people who live in cities tend to be liberal while those who live in rural areas tend to be conservative. In a city, the existence of nearby neighbors, the shared dependence on infrastructure and the close proximity of police stations automatically lends itself to a socialist mindset. On issues like guns, city people seem to be unable to imagine why anyone would “need” a rifle, for example, and because all guns scare them, they would prefer to force everyone across the country to turn them all in.
People who live in rural areas, in great contrast, have every reason to be more conservative and independent. Their local sheriff might be 30 minutes away in an emergency, meaning that self protection is truly up to you and can’t simply be delegated to someone else. Self-reliance means survival. In rural living, firearms are absolutely necessary tools to protect your animals from predators, eliminate varmints that are destroying your garden, and provide real security for legitimate threats to your safety. People who live in cities tend not to be able to understand these things because they can’t imagine country life.
Because cities pack so many people in such a small space, there is a commonsense basis for lots of little laws and regulations on things like noise, littering and even your car’s emissions. After all, one incredibly noisy person living in an apartment can prevent a hundred people from getting to sleep, so noise ordinances make sense where people live in close proximity.
Out in the country, where the nearest house might be a quarter-mile away, noise ordinances make no sense. Regulations on every little detail of the lives of the people simply don’t fly.
FACT: Today, about 80% of the U.S. population lives in cities.
The political divide in America today is largely a division of “city folks” versus “country folks”
City people tend to be socialist-minded. Their motto is: Conform! Obey! Be part of the collective.
Country people tend to be libertarian-minded. Their motto is: Survive! Work hard! Stand out as an individual!
City people are afraid of non-conformity. They’re afraid of tractors, guns, farm animals and anything else they don’t understand.
Country people are afraid of being told what to do by a bunch of city people who have no clue where their food comes from, where water comes from, what “growing seasons” are, or how to survive in the real world.
City people tend to believe in “living off the government” and collective welfare and other entitlements wherever possible.
Country people tend to believe in “living off the land” and finding ways to survive on their own or with the help of family. They feel a sense of personal shame if driven to use food stamps or other forms of welfare.
City people tend to vote democratic because democrats reflect the lean toward socialism and everything socialism brings them: welfare, subsidized housing, conformity, obedience, etc.
Country people tend to vote Republican because Republicans reflect more of a rugged individualism mindset that encourages business ownership, financial savings and living a more free life with fewer regulations and government controls.
If you look at every voting map of America over the last few years, you’ll find that rural areas overwhelmingly voted Republican while urban areas overwhelmingly voted Democrat. The following map shows the congressional district results from the 2010 election:

Modern-day cities are artificial constructs ripe for collapse
Cities are artificial constructs. They are not the “real world.” Cities only exist because a massive amount of energy is expended to import water, food, electricity, consumer goods, fuel and other items to the people living there.
Cities offer tremendous advantages to residents, of course, including convenience, efficiencies of commerce, shared defenses against the wilderness, specialization of the workforce, a critical mass of population needed to offer universities, and so on. People live in cities precisely because cities seem to offer them more advantages than living in the country. For most people, this comes down to a single answer: JOBS.
Most people can’t find work in the country, so they live in cities in order to get a job. Unfortunately, living in the city is far more expensive than living in the country, so much of their paycheck goes to paying the rent on their expensive city apartment, parking permits, higher food costs and so on.
Ultimately, however, cities are death traps. Let’s look at Los Angeles as the perfect example of why this is the case.
Example: Why Los Angeles is a death trap
• LA has no inherent water supply. Virtually all the water used throughout the region must be imported and pumped over a mountain range at great cost. This pumping of water is entirely dependent on the power grid remaining functional.
• LA is incapable of being evacuated. The population density of the city is mathematically far too great to be evacuated via the limited number of roadways exiting the city.
• LA has multiple points of systemic failure. If the power grid goes down, LA is finished. If the water supply stops pumping, LA is finished. If farmers go on strike and stop producing food for the cities, LA is finished. If the police stand down or quit, LA is finished. If gasoline and fuel supplies are cut off, LA is finished. If the sewer and sanitation systems fail, LA is finished.
• LA has a scary population density of about 7,000 people per square mile. That’s the highest of any city in the USA. This population density results in almost immediate panic and violence in any collapse scenario. Humans are not biologically designed to live in such high density environments.
• LA is infested with gangs that are barely kept under control right now. Those gangs would love nothing better than the see law enforcement go on strike or a power grid failure or some other kind of systemic collapse. That would give them the opportunity to go on the offensive and start looting, pillaging and murdering.
There are more reasons why LA is a death trap, but these five should paint the picture clearly enough. And it’s not just LA, of course. Here are the top 20 death traps in America today…
The top 20 death traps in America
Source: 2010 census
1) New York City
2) Los Angeles
3) Chicago
4) Miami
5) Philadelphia
6) Dallas-Fort Worth
7) Houston
8) Washington D.C.
9) Atlanta
10) Boston
11) Detroit
12) Phoenix
13) San Francisco
14) Seattle
15) San Diego
16) Minneapolis
17) Tampa
18) Denver
19) Baltimore
20) St. Louis
While all of these cities are death traps, each has its own unique risks and vulnerabilities. Phoenix, for example, is especially susceptible to disruptions in the water supply. New York City is geographically cut off from the mainland and can easily be crippled by the destruction of its bridges. Houston and Miami are susceptible to hurricanes. Denver is heavily targeted by Russian nukes, and so on.
The more dense cities become, the more insane their leadership becomes
One thing you’ll notice about this list is that the mayors and city council members of these cities tend to be some of the most outrageously insane people walking the planet today.
Why is that? Those who have a kind of mental sickness that causes them to seek control over others naturally flock to the highest population density areas where they can attempt to control as many people as possible. This is one reason why cities become home to control freaks who seek total domination over the private lives of everyone else.
New York City mayor Bloomberg, for example, wants to control the sizes of sodas you can buy, whether or not you get painkillers in the hospital emergency room and even how much rent landlords can charge tenants. If he could get away with it, he would probably also like to control how many square sheets of toilet paper you wipe with and how many times you chew each bite of food before swallowing. Control freaks love cities because that’s where people can more easily be dominated. Citizens of cities tend to be more obedient and conformist than people living in rural areas. Plus, city folks are generally not as well armed, making them easy to dominate by force, if necessary.
“Any government that does not trust its citizens with firearms is either a tyranny, or planning to become one.” – Joseph P. Martino, author of Resistance to Tyranny.
Community leaders of rural areas tend to be less insane and more practical than city leaders. That’s because people know each other better, so there’s more trust and reputation familiarity in small towns than in large cities. Plus, leaders of small towns know that if they try to become tyrants, some local rancher will just put a bullet in their head with a long-range hunting rifle. It’s that kind of awareness that helps keep community leaders honest and accountable.
Why the coming collapse will shift America away from liberalism and toward conservatism
Here’s the real point of this entire article. I wanted to start with this but needed everything above to provide the appropriate background and context.
Pick your crisis, any crisis: Global debt collapse, solar flare followed by power grid failure, EMP weapon strike by North Korea causing power grid failure, biological weapons attack, martial law declaration followed by civil war, etc. In any sufficiently large scenario, the cities become death traps.
• A sustained power grid failure (lasting several months) would likely result in something approaching an 80% fatality rate for those living in cities.
• A biological weapon release could easily cause a 30% fatality rate for those in the cities.
• An economic collapse (bank failures, etc.) could also see mass casualties across U.S. cities due to starvation, disease, outbreaks of violence and so on.
Aside from the devastating human cost of such scenarios, which I won’t really focus on because that’s not the point of this article, the net effect of any mass die-off would be a shifting of the population toward individualism, conservatism and country living.
A mass die-off of people living in cities, in other words, is essentially a mass die-off of Obama voters (or more liberal-minded, socialist-minded people). This is one reason why rugged individuals, survivalists, preppers and rural people are ultimately going to be in the majority: because crisis comes to civilization with surprising regularity. Every crisis resulting in a mass die-off inevitably kills those who are less able to survive because they are living as parasites on a system that will ultimately fail them. The true long-term survivors are those who live and breathe independence, self-reliance and personal defense.
To put all this another way, collectivists don’t survive very long in a real crisis. Because they live their lives dependent on the system, they have lost the skills — and the spirit — to survive on their own.
The cycles of civilization
As populations tend to become more lazy, apathetic and dependent over time (enjoying the spoils of abundance and innovation their ancestors put in place), populations tend to slide toward collectivism as long as conditions allow. Click here to see my related video called the Cycle of Civilization.
This brings us to the following conclusion:
As population rises, nations tend to slide toward collectivism / socialism until there is a die-off crisis, at which point those remaining will largely be proponents of conservatism and libertarianism.
This is one of the reasons why civilizations tend to go through predictable cycles: After abundance and innovation comes apathy and collectivism. Then corruption, exploitation, a stripping of liberties and so on. This is then followed by revolution and a new era of freedom which creates abundance and innovation. Then the cycle repeats.
Today, America is in the downward stroke of the collectivism cycle, with the government having already crossed the threshold into criminal corruption, and now the effort to strip all rights from the people is well under way. History shows us that this will be followed by a dark period of intense violations of human rights, then a revolution and a new era of freedom.
But this cycle can be interrupted at any time with a sufficiently large crisis that causes a mass die-off. This is because die-offs are not equally applied across the population. It is the collectivist-minded societal parasite who is far more likely to die in any crisis than a productive, individual-minded taxpayer who currently supports the system.
The silver lining for the future of human civilization
In one sense, this is the silver lining that emerges from any potential crisis. While massive loss of life is always tragic, it may be precisely the thing that jolts a civilization out of its downward spiral of collectivism and restarts the engine of individualism and innovation that results in real progress.
Put another way, it is difficult to imagine the United States of America, as it exists today, achieving anything really profound in the sciences, space exploration, physics or human understanding because the nation is presently caught in a suffocating debt spiral consumed by paying out entitlements to a growing class of parasitic takers who contribute nothing meaningful to humankind. We have become, in part, a nation of mindless consumers whose lives really make no different whatsoever to the advancement of humanity. Should a crisis emerge that results in a massive die-off of the parasitic “takers,” although the tragic loss of life would be immense, it would also have the effect of vastly reducing the masses who are holding back civilization from real progress in human understanding and achievement. For the record, in no way does this mean I wish for such an outcome nor endorse any such outcome. I have long been a defender of life, and I have no desire to see anyone suffer or die. I am merely discussing cause and effect and how demographics shift due to large-scale crisis.
I have heard this crudely (and incorrectly) paraphrased with the statement that, “What America really needs right now is a massive die-off to purge all the useless eaters.” That’s not what I’m saying, and it smacks of a desire to engage in genocide.
Instead, what I’m saying is that cities tend to breed a “failure” mindset that infects the population and turns otherwise productive and rugged people into pathetic, spineless, obedient cowards. This explains why nobody fought back during the Aurora, Colorado shooting carried out by James Holmes. It explains why people call 911 after an intruder has already smashed down their front door, screaming into the phone, “SHOULD I SHOOT THEM?” (And it also explains why 911 operators reply with, “No! Don’t shoot!”) It explains why city people tend to go along with tyranny and oppression.
It explains why humanity is stalled in a cycle of pathetic conformity, raising a generation of over-Google-fied morons who have lost all imagination and are but a shadow of their ancestors. The convenience of city life has, with some exceptions of course, produced apathy, timidity and acquiescence. The real values of progress — innovation, invention, determination and self-reliance — are now far more prevalent in rural-minded citizens who are strong, rugged survivors and explorers. (You want to see the future of humanity? Home-schooled children.)
That’s the kind of mindset that’s going to help human civilization reach for the stars. It’s going to take courage, innovation and risk — all the things that a “city mindset” sucks out of our souls and diminishes in our minds.
Cities are the last refuge of the weak-willed, weak-minded and conformist socialbots. And that’s why they will suffer a disproportionate number of fatalities in any sufficiently severe collapse.
You want to survive? Learn country living
If you are a rural-minded person still living in a city, and you can’t wait to get out of the city, the time to act on it is now. Get out to the country, learn some real-world living skills, toughen your will and sharpen your mind.
You will learn more in ONE YEAR of living on a working farm then you did in four years of college. The best education I ever got was living on a ranch in central Texas. It turned me into a hard-core survivor and problem solver who can overcome almost anything the universe might throw our way.
This article was posted: Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 5:47 am
Natural News
Jan 20, 2013
There is a very good reason why people who live in cities tend to be liberal while those who live in rural areas tend to be conservative. In a city, the existence of nearby neighbors, the shared dependence on infrastructure and the close proximity of police stations automatically lends itself to a socialist mindset. On issues like guns, city people seem to be unable to imagine why anyone would “need” a rifle, for example, and because all guns scare them, they would prefer to force everyone across the country to turn them all in.
People who live in rural areas, in great contrast, have every reason to be more conservative and independent. Their local sheriff might be 30 minutes away in an emergency, meaning that self protection is truly up to you and can’t simply be delegated to someone else. Self-reliance means survival. In rural living, firearms are absolutely necessary tools to protect your animals from predators, eliminate varmints that are destroying your garden, and provide real security for legitimate threats to your safety. People who live in cities tend not to be able to understand these things because they can’t imagine country life.
Because cities pack so many people in such a small space, there is a commonsense basis for lots of little laws and regulations on things like noise, littering and even your car’s emissions. After all, one incredibly noisy person living in an apartment can prevent a hundred people from getting to sleep, so noise ordinances make sense where people live in close proximity.
Out in the country, where the nearest house might be a quarter-mile away, noise ordinances make no sense. Regulations on every little detail of the lives of the people simply don’t fly.
FACT: Today, about 80% of the U.S. population lives in cities.
The political divide in America today is largely a division of “city folks” versus “country folks”
City people tend to be socialist-minded. Their motto is: Conform! Obey! Be part of the collective.
Country people tend to be libertarian-minded. Their motto is: Survive! Work hard! Stand out as an individual!
City people are afraid of non-conformity. They’re afraid of tractors, guns, farm animals and anything else they don’t understand.
Country people are afraid of being told what to do by a bunch of city people who have no clue where their food comes from, where water comes from, what “growing seasons” are, or how to survive in the real world.
City people tend to believe in “living off the government” and collective welfare and other entitlements wherever possible.
Country people tend to believe in “living off the land” and finding ways to survive on their own or with the help of family. They feel a sense of personal shame if driven to use food stamps or other forms of welfare.
City people tend to vote democratic because democrats reflect the lean toward socialism and everything socialism brings them: welfare, subsidized housing, conformity, obedience, etc.
Country people tend to vote Republican because Republicans reflect more of a rugged individualism mindset that encourages business ownership, financial savings and living a more free life with fewer regulations and government controls.
If you look at every voting map of America over the last few years, you’ll find that rural areas overwhelmingly voted Republican while urban areas overwhelmingly voted Democrat. The following map shows the congressional district results from the 2010 election:
Modern-day cities are artificial constructs ripe for collapse
Cities are artificial constructs. They are not the “real world.” Cities only exist because a massive amount of energy is expended to import water, food, electricity, consumer goods, fuel and other items to the people living there.
Cities offer tremendous advantages to residents, of course, including convenience, efficiencies of commerce, shared defenses against the wilderness, specialization of the workforce, a critical mass of population needed to offer universities, and so on. People live in cities precisely because cities seem to offer them more advantages than living in the country. For most people, this comes down to a single answer: JOBS.
Most people can’t find work in the country, so they live in cities in order to get a job. Unfortunately, living in the city is far more expensive than living in the country, so much of their paycheck goes to paying the rent on their expensive city apartment, parking permits, higher food costs and so on.
Ultimately, however, cities are death traps. Let’s look at Los Angeles as the perfect example of why this is the case.
Example: Why Los Angeles is a death trap
• LA has no inherent water supply. Virtually all the water used throughout the region must be imported and pumped over a mountain range at great cost. This pumping of water is entirely dependent on the power grid remaining functional.
• LA is incapable of being evacuated. The population density of the city is mathematically far too great to be evacuated via the limited number of roadways exiting the city.
• LA has multiple points of systemic failure. If the power grid goes down, LA is finished. If the water supply stops pumping, LA is finished. If farmers go on strike and stop producing food for the cities, LA is finished. If the police stand down or quit, LA is finished. If gasoline and fuel supplies are cut off, LA is finished. If the sewer and sanitation systems fail, LA is finished.
• LA has a scary population density of about 7,000 people per square mile. That’s the highest of any city in the USA. This population density results in almost immediate panic and violence in any collapse scenario. Humans are not biologically designed to live in such high density environments.
• LA is infested with gangs that are barely kept under control right now. Those gangs would love nothing better than the see law enforcement go on strike or a power grid failure or some other kind of systemic collapse. That would give them the opportunity to go on the offensive and start looting, pillaging and murdering.
There are more reasons why LA is a death trap, but these five should paint the picture clearly enough. And it’s not just LA, of course. Here are the top 20 death traps in America today…
The top 20 death traps in America
Source: 2010 census
1) New York City
2) Los Angeles
3) Chicago
4) Miami
5) Philadelphia
6) Dallas-Fort Worth
7) Houston
8) Washington D.C.
9) Atlanta
10) Boston
11) Detroit
12) Phoenix
13) San Francisco
14) Seattle
15) San Diego
16) Minneapolis
17) Tampa
18) Denver
19) Baltimore
20) St. Louis
While all of these cities are death traps, each has its own unique risks and vulnerabilities. Phoenix, for example, is especially susceptible to disruptions in the water supply. New York City is geographically cut off from the mainland and can easily be crippled by the destruction of its bridges. Houston and Miami are susceptible to hurricanes. Denver is heavily targeted by Russian nukes, and so on.
The more dense cities become, the more insane their leadership becomes
One thing you’ll notice about this list is that the mayors and city council members of these cities tend to be some of the most outrageously insane people walking the planet today.
Why is that? Those who have a kind of mental sickness that causes them to seek control over others naturally flock to the highest population density areas where they can attempt to control as many people as possible. This is one reason why cities become home to control freaks who seek total domination over the private lives of everyone else.
New York City mayor Bloomberg, for example, wants to control the sizes of sodas you can buy, whether or not you get painkillers in the hospital emergency room and even how much rent landlords can charge tenants. If he could get away with it, he would probably also like to control how many square sheets of toilet paper you wipe with and how many times you chew each bite of food before swallowing. Control freaks love cities because that’s where people can more easily be dominated. Citizens of cities tend to be more obedient and conformist than people living in rural areas. Plus, city folks are generally not as well armed, making them easy to dominate by force, if necessary.
“Any government that does not trust its citizens with firearms is either a tyranny, or planning to become one.” – Joseph P. Martino, author of Resistance to Tyranny.
Community leaders of rural areas tend to be less insane and more practical than city leaders. That’s because people know each other better, so there’s more trust and reputation familiarity in small towns than in large cities. Plus, leaders of small towns know that if they try to become tyrants, some local rancher will just put a bullet in their head with a long-range hunting rifle. It’s that kind of awareness that helps keep community leaders honest and accountable.
Why the coming collapse will shift America away from liberalism and toward conservatism
Here’s the real point of this entire article. I wanted to start with this but needed everything above to provide the appropriate background and context.
Pick your crisis, any crisis: Global debt collapse, solar flare followed by power grid failure, EMP weapon strike by North Korea causing power grid failure, biological weapons attack, martial law declaration followed by civil war, etc. In any sufficiently large scenario, the cities become death traps.
• A sustained power grid failure (lasting several months) would likely result in something approaching an 80% fatality rate for those living in cities.
• A biological weapon release could easily cause a 30% fatality rate for those in the cities.
• An economic collapse (bank failures, etc.) could also see mass casualties across U.S. cities due to starvation, disease, outbreaks of violence and so on.
Aside from the devastating human cost of such scenarios, which I won’t really focus on because that’s not the point of this article, the net effect of any mass die-off would be a shifting of the population toward individualism, conservatism and country living.
A mass die-off of people living in cities, in other words, is essentially a mass die-off of Obama voters (or more liberal-minded, socialist-minded people). This is one reason why rugged individuals, survivalists, preppers and rural people are ultimately going to be in the majority: because crisis comes to civilization with surprising regularity. Every crisis resulting in a mass die-off inevitably kills those who are less able to survive because they are living as parasites on a system that will ultimately fail them. The true long-term survivors are those who live and breathe independence, self-reliance and personal defense.
To put all this another way, collectivists don’t survive very long in a real crisis. Because they live their lives dependent on the system, they have lost the skills — and the spirit — to survive on their own.
The cycles of civilization
As populations tend to become more lazy, apathetic and dependent over time (enjoying the spoils of abundance and innovation their ancestors put in place), populations tend to slide toward collectivism as long as conditions allow. Click here to see my related video called the Cycle of Civilization.
This brings us to the following conclusion:
As population rises, nations tend to slide toward collectivism / socialism until there is a die-off crisis, at which point those remaining will largely be proponents of conservatism and libertarianism.
This is one of the reasons why civilizations tend to go through predictable cycles: After abundance and innovation comes apathy and collectivism. Then corruption, exploitation, a stripping of liberties and so on. This is then followed by revolution and a new era of freedom which creates abundance and innovation. Then the cycle repeats.
Today, America is in the downward stroke of the collectivism cycle, with the government having already crossed the threshold into criminal corruption, and now the effort to strip all rights from the people is well under way. History shows us that this will be followed by a dark period of intense violations of human rights, then a revolution and a new era of freedom.
But this cycle can be interrupted at any time with a sufficiently large crisis that causes a mass die-off. This is because die-offs are not equally applied across the population. It is the collectivist-minded societal parasite who is far more likely to die in any crisis than a productive, individual-minded taxpayer who currently supports the system.
The silver lining for the future of human civilization
In one sense, this is the silver lining that emerges from any potential crisis. While massive loss of life is always tragic, it may be precisely the thing that jolts a civilization out of its downward spiral of collectivism and restarts the engine of individualism and innovation that results in real progress.
Put another way, it is difficult to imagine the United States of America, as it exists today, achieving anything really profound in the sciences, space exploration, physics or human understanding because the nation is presently caught in a suffocating debt spiral consumed by paying out entitlements to a growing class of parasitic takers who contribute nothing meaningful to humankind. We have become, in part, a nation of mindless consumers whose lives really make no different whatsoever to the advancement of humanity. Should a crisis emerge that results in a massive die-off of the parasitic “takers,” although the tragic loss of life would be immense, it would also have the effect of vastly reducing the masses who are holding back civilization from real progress in human understanding and achievement. For the record, in no way does this mean I wish for such an outcome nor endorse any such outcome. I have long been a defender of life, and I have no desire to see anyone suffer or die. I am merely discussing cause and effect and how demographics shift due to large-scale crisis.
I have heard this crudely (and incorrectly) paraphrased with the statement that, “What America really needs right now is a massive die-off to purge all the useless eaters.” That’s not what I’m saying, and it smacks of a desire to engage in genocide.
Instead, what I’m saying is that cities tend to breed a “failure” mindset that infects the population and turns otherwise productive and rugged people into pathetic, spineless, obedient cowards. This explains why nobody fought back during the Aurora, Colorado shooting carried out by James Holmes. It explains why people call 911 after an intruder has already smashed down their front door, screaming into the phone, “SHOULD I SHOOT THEM?” (And it also explains why 911 operators reply with, “No! Don’t shoot!”) It explains why city people tend to go along with tyranny and oppression.
It explains why humanity is stalled in a cycle of pathetic conformity, raising a generation of over-Google-fied morons who have lost all imagination and are but a shadow of their ancestors. The convenience of city life has, with some exceptions of course, produced apathy, timidity and acquiescence. The real values of progress — innovation, invention, determination and self-reliance — are now far more prevalent in rural-minded citizens who are strong, rugged survivors and explorers. (You want to see the future of humanity? Home-schooled children.)
That’s the kind of mindset that’s going to help human civilization reach for the stars. It’s going to take courage, innovation and risk — all the things that a “city mindset” sucks out of our souls and diminishes in our minds.
Cities are the last refuge of the weak-willed, weak-minded and conformist socialbots. And that’s why they will suffer a disproportionate number of fatalities in any sufficiently severe collapse.
You want to survive? Learn country living
If you are a rural-minded person still living in a city, and you can’t wait to get out of the city, the time to act on it is now. Get out to the country, learn some real-world living skills, toughen your will and sharpen your mind.
You will learn more in ONE YEAR of living on a working farm then you did in four years of college. The best education I ever got was living on a ranch in central Texas. It turned me into a hard-core survivor and problem solver who can overcome almost anything the universe might throw our way.
This article was posted: Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 5:47 am
Tags: domestic news
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