Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obamatopia 2015

funny, but they forgot to mention guns are banned and everyone has been drafted in Obama's private army-the "Civilian National Security Force".

Obama brought us out of the Depression by enlisting everyone in his private "Service" army, and giving almost everyone unemployed a government subsidized "green collar" job.

Oh, and there are ridiculous taxes on Carbon Emissions-which has lead to a One-Child Policy like in Communist China- and are paid directly to the International Banks..

And the New Currency is the Amero-and is used in Canada, Mexico and the USA. The Invasion of Pakistan is going terribly and has brought us to the brink of Nuclear War- but the meda intentionally ignores it and if you talk about it you are a "Conspiracy Theorist".

Constitutional Rule has been abolished in favor of a "New America". The Military has permanently replaced local Sheriffs and Police and a Permanent state of Martial law has been imposed nation wide- complete with curfews and mercenaries on the streets with assault rifles.

The Internet is no longer free,as you are taxed for your traffic an must scan your mandatory National ID Card to surf the Internet 2. There are only a few 1000 sites available, just like China, and are highly regulated. . Dissent is not tolerated, and you are thrown into a Forced Labor FEMA Camps by the "Civilian National Security Force" without Trial after being declared a "terrorist" for as little as a misdemeanor.


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